sekarang jam berapa?
How old are you?
-24 tahun pada bulan ogos
Where do you live?
-Labuan, pulau bebas cukai.
What do you look like?
-chubby. malas mo elaborate more, sebab aku just nampak diri aku chubby haha
How old is he?
-31 tahun pada bulan oktober
Where does he live?
-Tawau, Sabah
What does he look like?
-sweet, cute, handsome, and bla bla bla (hahaha puji boyfie, supaya dapat duit)
Since you’re taking this, it’s a long-distance relationship, right?
tiba tiba encik boyfie call. suruh aku tidur dulu sebab he still banyak kerja in the office.and I said, aku masih lagi tak ngantuk. and as usual as a protective boyfriend, dia akan cakap now dah jam berapa, nak buat apa online sampai pagi pagi gini, and since aku memang type girlfriend yang degil, aku tekankan kat dia yang aku masih belum mengantuk. haha and dia mengeluh, maybe sebab dia banyak kerja dan banyak perkara yang running through his head (KIRAM BODOH punya pasal), dia biarkan aku online. asalkan before tidur kena text dia dulu. tee-hee. ambil masa update blog.
it's been a while juga kan, tak ada entri pasal soalan soalan macam ni. so let's do it!;
How old are you?
-24 tahun pada bulan ogos
Where do you live?
-Labuan, pulau bebas cukai.
What do you look like?
-chubby. malas mo elaborate more, sebab aku just nampak diri aku chubby haha
How old is he?
-31 tahun pada bulan oktober
Where does he live?
-Tawau, Sabah
What does he look like?
-sweet, cute, handsome, and bla bla bla (hahaha puji boyfie, supaya dapat duit)
Since you’re taking this, it’s a long-distance relationship, right?
Did you meet through the internet?
-Somewhat, yeah =p
How often do you see them?
-since kami dalam LDR, it's been three month tak jumpa
How long have you been together?
-almost half a year
When was the last time you:
i)Saw them?
-Video call on facebook last week
-Somewhat, yeah =p
How often do you see them?
-since kami dalam LDR, it's been three month tak jumpa
How long have you been together?
-almost half a year
When was the last time you:
i)Saw them?
-Video call on facebook last week
ii)Talked to them?
-two minutes ago
What made you decide you wanted to be in a long-distance relationship?
-because he made me feel real
How does it usually make you feel?
-Depressed, lonely, loved.
Ever feel unable to believe you’re in a real relationship because of it?
- Hmmmmmmppphhhh
Do you ever feel angry or stressed because of the distance?
- Nahhhh
Are you ever jealous of local couples?
-sometimes, yes
What are the advantages of a long-distance relationship?
-we learned to appreciate each other more bila jumpa. memang kena banyak bersabar. sebab terlalu banyak dugaan dan cabaran.above all, itu yang menguatkan kami juga/
What are the disadvantages?
-sometimes, ada beberapa perkara you want to do with them. and plus, when you need him the most, cuma dapat cari through handphone
-two minutes ago
What made you decide you wanted to be in a long-distance relationship?
-because he made me feel real
How does it usually make you feel?
-Depressed, lonely, loved.
Ever feel unable to believe you’re in a real relationship because of it?
- Hmmmmmmppphhhh
Do you ever feel angry or stressed because of the distance?
- Nahhhh
Are you ever jealous of local couples?
-sometimes, yes
What are the advantages of a long-distance relationship?
-we learned to appreciate each other more bila jumpa. memang kena banyak bersabar. sebab terlalu banyak dugaan dan cabaran.above all, itu yang menguatkan kami juga/
What are the disadvantages?
-sometimes, ada beberapa perkara you want to do with them. and plus, when you need him the most, cuma dapat cari through handphone
Do people have less faith in your relationship because of the distance?
-Yes. Point blank.
Do you know when the next time you’ll see them is?
-lepas raya, dalam bulan Ogos or September
How do you usually talk to them?
Has the distance helped your relationship at all?
- Yes. A lot!
Do you find it hard to trust your significant other?
-honestly, memang sangat susah. terutama if berada dalam LDR, and the reason you broke up adalah kecurangan. so for me,sangat susah!but he managed untuk buat aku percaya dengan dia.
Have you, or your significant other, ever taken advantage of the distance and lied?
- hahahahahhaha =p
Do you ever hope to live with your significant other?
Do you hope to marry them?
-Yes. (: Insya Allah, kalau ada jodoh
Do you hope to have kids with them?
Would you ever break up with them because of the distance?
-We haven’t so far.
Overall, are you happy you’re in the relationship?
-Yes, I am.
-Yes. Point blank.
Do you know when the next time you’ll see them is?
-lepas raya, dalam bulan Ogos or September
How do you usually talk to them?
Has the distance helped your relationship at all?
- Yes. A lot!
Do you find it hard to trust your significant other?
-honestly, memang sangat susah. terutama if berada dalam LDR, and the reason you broke up adalah kecurangan. so for me,sangat susah!but he managed untuk buat aku percaya dengan dia.
Have you, or your significant other, ever taken advantage of the distance and lied?
- hahahahahhaha =p
Do you ever hope to live with your significant other?
Do you hope to marry them?
-Yes. (: Insya Allah, kalau ada jodoh
Do you hope to have kids with them?
Would you ever break up with them because of the distance?
-We haven’t so far.
Overall, are you happy you’re in the relationship?
-Yes, I am.
Gah, finally siap juga. berjaya menaip dalam masa less than 20 minutes. harus tidur ini sekarang sebab pagi akan buat breakfast dengan baguette, tuna, cheese, sausage, onion. yehaaa!